The above map of the Empire shows the political alignment of each province as of Oron 15, Salgan 1, Adonsik 41 Cledman VI while armed conflict is raging during the Emperor's incapacitating illness between troops loyal to two competing claimants to the title of "Imperial Regent". An imperial regent is someone who rules on behalf of the emperor while the emperor is unable to rule. The two claimants to the title are Lord Chancellor Rubanya Cledman and Imperial Councillor Levorek Cledman. Both of them are also potential heirs to the throne.
In provinces where the Ulor and the military are not on the same side, the map is marked according to the loyalty of the military.
Orange = Provinces controlled by Rubanya (22 provinces)
Purple = Provinces controlled by Levorek and Krulmuk (20 provinces)
Blue = Provinces controlled by Regionalists (9 provinces)
Gray = Neutral provinces (28 provinces)
Red = Separatist/Rebel contrlled provinces (2 provinces)
Faction forums are here:
Please note that the two leaders claiming to be the Imperial Regent are also the leaders of the two main factions that had previously existed. Rubanya was the leader of the Reformist Faction and Levorek was the leader of the Loyalist Faction. Whoever could gain the power of Imperial Regent would almost certainly claim the throne when the emperor dies. Because Rubanya and Levorek have radically different ideas about how the Empire should be run, it would make a huge difference to the people which side wins. At the time of this map, the emperor was very sick and expected to die any day.
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